Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Plan pt 1: Gridlocked


                                                                                      Image A

           As much as the word itself has a completely different meaning to what I mean (Image A), what I mean by Gridlocked I mean the picture below.

Yep, Gridlocked. A drawing locked behind a grid. In truth its merely taking a final image/drawing and adding a grid to it to ensure proportion and layout of the drawing is accurate. As you will be using measured grid blocks, you can work on a scale/ratio to make the drawing bigger or smaller all according to the ratio. This means you can take a drawing on a normal sheet of paper and transfer it exactly and proportionally onto a wall for instance. A great technique I think and one which I will be using to transfer the Noah's ark drawing onto the nursery wall.

Here are examples of how grids help with proportion:

Awesome for still life images

Great for photo to paper

Also great for paintings

Really looking forward to working on this wall mural! I know my partner on this project is also excited! 

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